Parking information
Make your visit to us easy and find out about the parking or transport options you could use to get here.
ILA head office reception is located at: Freda Jacob House, Level 1, 7 Tully Rd, East Perth WA 6004(Opens in new tab)
Where to park
On street parking
There is one onsite visitor parking bay available (30min maximum) with additional on-street parking available for a maximum of three hours between 8 am and 6 pm. There are also ticketed parking bays surrounding the area at $4 per hour.
Public car park
Public car parks are located nearby at:
- CPP – 9 Saunders St, East Perth(Opens in new tab): Hourly rate $3.50 (Approximately 600m from the office)
- Wilson Parking - 138 Royal Street East Perth(Opens in new tab): Casual hourly rates from $5 (Approximately 650 m from the office)
- CPP - 81-95 Regal Place, East Perth:(Opens in new tab) Casual hourly rate $3.50 (Approximately 700 m from the office).
Public Transport
Claisebrook station is located on the Armadale/Thornlie line and the Midland line is an approx. 700m walk from the office exiting onto Kensington Street. Plan your journey on the Transperth website(Opens in new tab).