What do we do?
The iLA Sector Support and Development Service is funded under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).
Its primary objective is to support, develop and strengthen the home support service system and reable CHSP service providers to operate effectively in line with the objectives of the CHSP and within the context of the broader aged care system.
How are we supporting you?
Our service over the past five years under the WA Home and Community Care Program and since transitioning to the CHSP in July 2018 has focused on:
- Building service providers' and Regional Assessment Services' awareness and knowledge of the value of assistive technology, home modifications and allied health within the context of wellness and reablement.
- Building capacity of service providers to embed wellness and reablement approaches into service delivery through provision of advice, support, service and system development.
- Developing and delivering training and education to service providers to optimise their understanding of both assistive technology and reablement.
- Developing resources to build the knowledge of consumers on assistive technology and home modifications, and
- Conducting research and managing projects to identify, disseminate and embed best practice in the provision of assistive technology and home modifications.
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