About CAEP Plus Grants
The Western Australian State Government through the Department of Health funds the Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) Plus Grant Program delivered by Independent Living Assessment (iLA).
The CAEP Plus Grant Program has two streams:
1. CAEP Plus Assistive Technology (AT) Grant
The CAEP Plus AT Grant provides individuals with health, disability or aged related functional impairment with funding for basic and essential AT and equipment that allows them to participate more independently within their homes and community.
The funding is available to individuals who are eligible for the Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) to assist them obtain AT that is not currently available through CAEP.
Apply for the CAEP AT Grant here
2. CAEP Plus Thermoregulatory Dysfunction (TD) Grant
The CAEP Plus TD Grant is available to people who are eligible for the Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) and have a confirmed medical diagnosis of the Thermoregulation Dysfunction.
Thermoregulatory dysfunction is defined as significant loss of a person’s capacity to control body temperature and is associated with medical conditions that result in the person’s health and bodily function being seriously affected when exposed to extremes of environmental temperatures.
The CAEP Plus TD Grant provides eligible individuals access to basic and essential air conditioning to one area/room of their primary residence, to assist with controlling the temperature in their home.