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Peer-led Disability


iLA's focus is to support the community to make genuine and informed decisions through the 

provision of independent information, navigation, and capacity building initiatives.

Through our initiative AT Chat, we connect assistive technology (AT) users to peer-led information and advice. You can learn how they support their peers on their AT journey below.

iLA is one of 28 organizations on the NDIS Participant Engagement Panel. Learn how you can have your say in NDIA policy development and service improvement below. 

AT Chat

AT Chat is a peer-led, co-designed community of AT users, their mission, is to deliver peer-led information and mentoring services. These services provide their community with the opportunity to build their AT decision-making capability and share their expertise with each other and the broader community. Learn how they deliver their peer support below.

NDIA Participant Engagement Panel

iLA will assist the NDIA to capture a diverse range of views to inform their policy development and service improvement. Helping to give a voice to participants who may not have been heard before. 


Would you like to have your voice heard?

Find out how you can be involved here. 

        Making choices, finding solutions guide

        Your guide to assistive equipment and home modification options for your safety, independence and well-being.

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