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What’s changed? 

Coming into effect on 1 January 2025, the Single Assessment System (SAS) will simplify and improve the experience of older people as they enter aged care and access different services. 

The flexible new system will provide a single assessment pathway that can quickly adapt to a person’s changing needs, including:  

  • Aged Care Assessments (ACA): this includes Home Support Assessments and Comprehensive Assessments, and 

  • Residential Aged Care (RAC) Funding Assessments: this involves assessments to inform funding under the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) model. 

At iLA our commitment to an authentic, person-centred approach is reflected in our delivery of these assessments, supporting older Australians wishing to access the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). 

The CHSP is Australia’s national funding program to help older people stay independent, and in their homes and communities. 

To receive CHSP funding, you need to: 

1. Register with My Aged Care, and 

2. Have an Aged Care Assessment 


How to register with My Aged Care


To register, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or apply for an assessment online. Have your Medicare card ready and allow at least 10 minutes to go through the questions they will ask. 

If you are a carer or family member supporting someone to navigate My Aged Care, you will need their consent to speak on their behalf.  

If eligible, My Aged Care (MAC) will refer you for an assessment with an iLA team member to work out your care needs and what types of care you can access.

Older man smiles as he gets out of car
F Client_Reading

Your Aged Care Assessment

An Aged Care Assessment determines:  

  • a person’s care needs, and 

  • the types of care and services a person may be eligible for. 

There are 2 types of Aged Care Assessments: Home Support Assessments and Comprehensive Assessments

- Home Support Assessments 

If the information you provide sounds like you need low-level support to stay independent in your home, My Aged Care may recommend a Home Support Assessment.  

During your Home Support Assessment an iLA assessor will determine how much help is required and tailor it to your individual needs.   

Simple solutions can help keep you independent and at home for longer if you’re finding it harder to manage the daily activities you usually do. This could be things like: 

  • Personal care, i.e. putting socks and shoes on, using zips, buttons and clasps, clipping nails 

  • Housework, i.e. cleaning, carrying laundry, picking things up off the floor 

  • In the kitchen, i.e. opening jars and tins, cutting up food, pouring the kettle, turning taps on and off .

Older woman with therapist holding a pen and paper
Assessor and clients chatting on a couch

- Comprehensive Assessments 

If it’s determined you have greater or more complex needs, My Aged Care may recommend a Comprehensive Assessment.  

Previously provided by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), this is a clinical assessment conducted to determine a person’s needs. 

During a Comprehensive Assessment an iLA assessor will provide recommendations and approvals for suitable services and can evaluate eligibility for various types of care, including:  

  • A higher level of home care through a Home Care Package 

  • Short-term care options, and 

  • Aged care homes.

Complaints procedure

You can view our complaints procedure as detailed in this PDF process document. If you wish to contact us on any point of the Single Assessment Service we offer, or have any feedback or complaint, please see the contact information below.

Feedback and Complaints 

As part of our commitment to person-cantered support and continuous quality improvement, we welcome and encourage feedback, both positive and negative. 

Please share your comments or concerns with us: 

    Quality & Risk Professional 
    Freda Jacob House, 7 Tully Road,  
    East Perth  
    WA, 6004 


    Contact us 

    Get in touch with us here to see how we can support you to achieve your health and wellbeing goals, provide feedback about our services or if you have a general enquiry. 



    If you need an interpreter you can ask us to arrange one when you call. Alternatively, you can contact one of the services below and ask them to help contact us at (08) 6202 4700


    National Relay Service 

    If you are hearing or speech impaired contact us through the National Relay Service

    To access more information about iLA's Feedback and Complaints policy and process, click here.

    To find out more about connecting with an aged care advocate, you can visit the OPAN website.

    If you have a disability, you can also find someone to help you through the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP).