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Feedback and Complaints

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and as such iLA is committed to delivering a quality service based on a strong understanding of individual customer needs.

As part of our commitment to person-centered support and continuous quality improvement, we welcome and encourage feedback both positive and negative. 

Please share your comments or concerns with us:

Quality & Risk Professional

Freda Jacob House, 7 Tully Road,
East Perth
WA 6004

Your feedback can be anonymous, however, in an effort to achieve a workable solution for you, ideally, you will include:

  • Your name, address, and telephone number
  • The date you are lodging your complaint or feedback
  • specific details relating to your complaint or feedback 
  • where known, the name of the service your complaint or feedback relates to
  • and the name of the person who received the service that your complaint or feedback is about.


If you need an interpreter you can ask us to arrange one when you call. Alternatively, you can contact one of the services below and ask them to help contact us at (08) 6202 4700

National Relay Service 

If you are hearing or speech impaired contact us through the National Relay Service

To access more information about iLA's Feedback and Complaints policy and process, click here.

To find out more about connecting with an aged care advocate, you can visit the OPAN website.

If you have a disability, you can also find someone to help you through the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP).