The Village Hubs
In 2021, iLA was appointed as the National Grants Manager for the administration of the Village Hubs project, an initiative of the Australian Government’s Seniors Connected Program, established to implement the Government’s 2019 election policy: ‘More Support for Older Australians’.
iLA established 12 Village Hubs nationally and worked with them to reduce the impact of loneliness and social isolation amongst older people through a co-designed, community-led initiatives.
The Hubs were located in both regional and metro areas, serving a diverse range of older Australians, including Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD), and LGBTIQA+ communities. Each Hub offered a variety of community connection activities to support mental, physical, and social health and wellbeing.
Although the Village Hubs Grants Program ended in June 2024, many of the hubs continue to serve their community to help reduce loneliness and social isolation.

What the Hub means to me
The Village Hub program achieved outstanding results in addressing loneliness and social isolation experienced by older Australians. Watch the video to hear directly from community members from around Australia about the impact the hub has had on their lives.
Connect with a Hub
Each Hub is community-led and provides opportunities for people to improve their health through the benefits of increased community connections.