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The CAEP Plus AT Grant is available to individuals who are eligible for the Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP). The grant will fund basic and essential AT that is not available through CAEP or other funding sources and meet individual need to enable greater participation and independence within the homes and community. 



CAEP Plus AT Grant Applications for individuals already known to and eligible for CAEP can be submitted directly to iLA and do not need to be submitted via a CAEP Service Provider. (Where unsure of eligibility status please check with your local area CAEP Coordinator or CAEP Service Provider). 

Individuals new to CAEP must have their CAEP Plus AT Grant Application endorsed by a CAEP Service Provider prior to submitting to the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA. 


Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for the CAEP Plus AT Grant, an individual must meet the following CAEP eligibility criteria: 

  • Have a health, disability or age-related functional impairment of long term or permanent nature.   
  • Not currently be accessing NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) or MAC (My Aged Care).   
  • Not currently be a hospital inpatient, outpatient or day patient or have been within the last 3 months. (CAEP Plus will consider applications where hospitalisation is unrelated to the grant request). 
  • Live at home in the community, or in a state-funded residential facility.  
  • Have not received a compensation payment.  
  • Hold a current Australian: 

- Pension Concession Card   

- Health Care Card or  

- Can demonstrate financial hardship using Centrelink criteria and are made eligible having been reviewed by Department of Health’s’ appointed senior officer.  

  • COSA (Continuity of Support Arrangement) eligible people 
  • DSOA (Disability Support for Older Australians) eligible people. 

Individuals new to CAEP must have their CAEP Plus Grant Application endorsed by a CAEP Service Provider prior to submitting to the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA.  

For individuals already known to and eligible for CAEP, their CAEP Plus Grant Application can be submitted directly to iLA and do not need to be submitted via a CAEP Service Provider. Where unsure of eligibility status please check with your local area CAEP Coordinator or CAEP Service Provider.   

Individuals that do not meet the criteria above and are not CAEP eligible may under special and extenuating circumstances have an application considered on an ‘Out of Policy’ basis. These cases should be discussed with the relevant CAEP Service Provider and CAEP Plus Grants Team prior to grant application preparation and submission. 

More information about CAEP eligibility can be found on the Government of Western Australia website. Use the following link: www.wa.gov.au/service/health-care/community-health-services/community-aids-and-equipment-program-caep(Opens in new tab) or contact your local CAEP Service Provider. 

For further information or to discuss the CAEP Plus AT Grant, please contact a member of the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA on (08) 6202 4700




What AT is funded?

The CAEP Plus AT Grant will fund basic and essential AT and equipment that is not available through CAEP or other funding sources. The AT requested must support an individual to be more independent and participate within their home and/or community.  

Below are the AT categories under which applications for AT will be considered: 

  • Community access wheelchairs, scooters, mobility aids or an alternative to the primary mobility device. Primary mobility devices for inside the home should be referred to CAEP. ($8000)

  • Specialised car seats and occupant restraints (not vehicle wheelchair restraints). ($8000)

  • Wheelchair hoists and other simple vehicle mounted AT not requiring vehicle modification. ($6000)

  • Emerging technologies not available through CAEP. ($6000)

  • Additional equipment required for shared custody. ($6000)

  • Specialised AT for recreation/leisure. ($6000)

  • AT for visual impairment. ($6000)

Enquiries relating to other AT and equipment can be directed to the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA on (08) 6202 4700



CAEP Plus AT Grant Conditions 

  • AT and equipment requested must be required by the individual for regular use. 

  • CAEP Plus can fund an item to the grant limit for that category or a package of items to the value of $6000 per year. 

  • Under special circumstances additional funds may be allocated at the discretion of CAEP Plus Grants Team.  

  • Items under $250 will not be funded. 

  • In exceptional circumstances CAEP Plus may fund reasonable costs associated with accessing an appropriate allied health professional / provider for the purpose of assessment and equipment prescription and trial. 

  • Items required for educational, or employment purposes will not be funded. 

  • CAEP Plus is not available for hospital discharge. 

  • A financial contribution may be required for costs above the grant limits. 

  • Individuals will be responsible for costs associated with non-essential AT components e.g. cost associated with preferred colour. 

  • Retrospective funding will not be considered. 

  • AT purchased with a CAEP Plus Grant is owned by the grant recipient with all costs associated with repairs, servicing and maintenance being the responsibility of the grant recipient. 

Further enquiries about the CAEP Plus AT Grant can be directed to the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA on (08) 6202 4700.



How to apply 

Once the individual's eligibility for CAEP has been confirmed, the CAEP Plus AT Grant Application Form can be completed.

The CAEP Plus AT Grant Application Form consists of a Grant Applicant Section and an Allied Health Professional Section. 

The Grant Applicant Section 

  • Part 1: Grant Applicant’s Details. 

  • Part 2: Grant Applicant Consent and Declaration. 

The Allied Health Professional Section 

  • Part 1: CAEP Plus Eligibility 

  • Part 2: Allied Health Professional Details and Declaration 

  • Part 3: Clinical Report 

  • Part 4: AT and Equipment Request Details 

  • Part 5: Grant Funding Request Details 

To ensure the timely assessment of the Grant Application, please ensure: 

  • ALL relevant Grant Applicant and Allied Health Professional (AHP) sections of the application form are completed in full. 

  • You can complete the form online as an interactive PDF file which you can save and return via email, or you can download the form and print it out and fill in manually then either post it back to the iLA CAEP team (address below), or scan each page and email back using the email address below.

  • If manually completing the form, please make sure the application is legible and has been signed as required. 

  • An appropriate allied health professional (AHP) clinical report is included. 

  • The application includes copies of TWO itemised quotes for the requested AT/equipment. 

  • Where relevant any additional contribution funds are available for the AT/equipment requested.  

You can download the CAEP Plus AT Grant Application Form here.

Applications can be submitted via email or post.  


Please use ‘CAEP Plus AT Grant’ in the subject line of the email.  

Postal address 

CAEP Plus Grants 
Freda Jacob House, 
7 Tully Road,
EAST PERTH   WA   6004 


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